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WWWD What Would WiG Draw?
CHIBI SuperMan |
CHIBI Shellhead |
CHIBI BatMan |
CHIBI Spidey |
Harley Quinn & Mini Puddin' |
Spider-Man and Jack-o-Lantern |
Rocket and Groot |
X-23 |
Deadpool |
Squirrel Girl |
X-Men: Apocalypse |
Agent Venom |
DeadPoo |
X-Farts: Cableman |
Comic Prints
These are comic-inspired prints,
some serious and some silly.
These prints are for sale online.
Email me if you are interested in
any of them.
(11" x 17" 80# glossy cover prints )
$10.00 each + S&H fees
$25.00 for 3 + S&H fees
If you see me at a convention
the same prices apply minus the shipping and handling fees.
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